每日運勢主要以偉特塔羅牌與朵琳芙秋博士(Doreen Virtue, Phd)創立的天使卡系統來做為占卜運勢之用,本人不販賣各式牌卡做為營利之用,此系列運勢為免費服務,運勢文章皆由本人解讀與撰寫。
Daily Forecast based on traditional Rider-Waite Tarot and Archangel Oracle Cards which system is established by Doreen Virtue, PH.D. I myself do not sell any of these cards above for engaging in making profit, these forecast reading are free, and all the articles are fully interpreted and wrote by myself.
大天使卡(Archangel Oracle Card):
塔羅牌(Rider-Waite Tarot):
Wands 3:權杖3
Pentacles 4:錢幣4
Cups 8:聖杯8
Today Forecast:
It look like there are some situations make us want to leave, like they never happened, or stay where we are and keep holding on these things that you think they are secure and think they are good at this way. Actually, all of above are ways to escape, sometimes when we walked through a journey for a while, then we might feel tired, even forget what's our original intentions, and think if it could be that we've been suffered by this society, think that we don't have any passion like at the very beginning, certainly, it really makes us feeling anxiety and couldn't face and solve things at the moment with peace.
Angels ask you to calm yourself down, and don't care whether these things can be done or not, please, slow down, and look back checking your original goal and your heart, if you would need them anymore, or you need to change these programs? Today is a good day to do a small adjustment that makes it simple and makes you feel relieved. To you, it is an improvement, then, find the person who is full of passion at the very first beginning ( and that is you), and you could keep going forward with this small change.
塔羅牌(Rider-Waite Tarot):
Wands 3:權杖3
Pentacles 4:錢幣4
Cups 8:聖杯8
Today Forecast:
It look like there are some situations make us want to leave, like they never happened, or stay where we are and keep holding on these things that you think they are secure and think they are good at this way. Actually, all of above are ways to escape, sometimes when we walked through a journey for a while, then we might feel tired, even forget what's our original intentions, and think if it could be that we've been suffered by this society, think that we don't have any passion like at the very beginning, certainly, it really makes us feeling anxiety and couldn't face and solve things at the moment with peace.
Angels ask you to calm yourself down, and don't care whether these things can be done or not, please, slow down, and look back checking your original goal and your heart, if you would need them anymore, or you need to change these programs? Today is a good day to do a small adjustment that makes it simple and makes you feel relieved. To you, it is an improvement, then, find the person who is full of passion at the very first beginning ( and that is you), and you could keep going forward with this small change.