2014年3月13日 星期四

每日運勢 Daily Forecast - 2014.03.13

每日運勢主要以偉特塔羅牌與朵琳芙秋博士(Doreen Virtue, Phd)創立的天使卡系統來做為占卜運勢之用,本人不販賣各式牌卡做為營利之用,此系列運勢為免費服務,運勢文章皆由本人解讀與撰寫。

Daily Forecast based on traditional Rider-Waite Tarot and Archangel Oracle Cards which system is established by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. I myself do not sell any of these cards above for engaging in making profit, these forecast reading are free, and all the articles are fully interpreted and wrote by myself.

大天使卡(Archangel Oracle Card):
You are safe:你是安全的

塔羅牌(Rider-Waite Tarot):
Wands 7:權杖7
Swords 6:寶劍6


Today's Forecast:
Feeling stressful today? Feel that I work so hard but things are still going very slowly, or feel that I am on the edge of emotions, but still why I can't break through that ? Angels point out that actually we could be free and easy to face these things, relax ourselves, and do you see they are in a process now?  Though it's going really slowly, but it's a steady step, now we have to do is have faith with ourselves, and others.

Take out your power, then trust ourselves that everything will be okay and smoothly. So it will be a issue of what we have to do is get balances in every aspect today, even though we have to take lots of steps to process, but as long as we can manage one of them, then it's a good one to start, and Angels make the promise telling us that all is well, so, do we still need to question ourselves?

